Evaluation of Composts from Agroindustrial Wastes as an Alternative Growing Media Against Cocopeat for Soilless Tomato Cultivation





Topraksız tarım, Kompost, Domates, Verim, Tarımsal atık


The importance of environmentally friendly and renewable materials for sustainable soilless agriculture is increasing day by day. Compost obtained from green and organic wastes is one of these materials. In this study, effects of compost obtained from apple, grape and tomato wastes in soilless tomato cultivation were investigated. Apple, grape and tomato wastes obtained from fruit juice and tomato paste factories. Apple, grape and tomato wastes were composted separately. In making compost, 200 dm3 of farmyard manure, 5 kg of lime and 5 kg of urea were added to the main material (2 m3). Composting took 22 weeks. In the study, 9 different media were used. These are; cocopeat: perlite (2:1) (Control); tomato compost: perlite (2:1) (D); apple compost: perlite (2:1) (E); grape compost: perlite (2:1) (Ü); tomato: apple: grape compost: perlite (1:1:1:1) (DEU); tomato compost: cocopeat: perlite (1:1:1) (DC); apple compost: cocopeat: perlite (1:1:1) (EC); grape compost: cocopeat: perlite (1:1:1) (DC) and DEU compost: cocopeat: perlite (1:1:1) (DEUC). Media were determined on a volume basis. Nutrient solution (EC before flowering: 2,0 dS/m, EC after flowering: 2,2 dS/m, pH:5,9) was used for fertigation. The highest marketable yield was 286,59 tons/ha in apple, tomato and grape compost + cocopeat media. The use of compost provided a 39,73% increase in marketable yield compared to the control. While Vit. C was highest in the control, pH and water-soluble dry matter did not change. The use of compost reduced blossom end rot in tomato fruits and increased leaf dry weight. As a result, it was understood that the compost obtained from grape fruit and especially apple fruit wastes can be used successfully in soilless tomato cultivation and is more effective than the cocopeat, which is one of the commercial environments.


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How to Cite

Kartal, H., & Geboloğlu, N. (2023). Evaluation of Composts from Agroindustrial Wastes as an Alternative Growing Media Against Cocopeat for Soilless Tomato Cultivation. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 11(3), 454–459. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v11i3.454-459.5703



Research Paper