Chicken Reproductive Performance in Ethiopia: Review




Breed, Chickens, Ethiopia, Reproductive, Performances


To improve the reproductive performance; several scholars conducted research in different parts of Ethiopia on indigenous, crosses and exotic chickens. However, there were inconsistencies among the various studies. This review was, therefore, conducted to assess the reproductive characteristics of indigenous, exotic and their crosses. Under scavenging system, the indigenous chickens are characterized by less clutch size (2.7-4.2 per year), good hatchability rate (59.6-93.2%), higher mortality rates (25.3-61.15), and reach sexual maturity at advanced age (19.6-26.8 weeks for male; 19.7-34.05 weeks for female). The age at first mating and laying recorded for exotic and their crossbreeds were nearly similar to those of indigenous chickens. The hatchability rate of crossbreed chickens are varying from 54.7-78.7% and it is by far lower for exotic breeds. The exotic (18.83-53%) and crossbreed (9-40%) chickens are relatively better in survival rate than local chickens. Overall, the local chickens are better for their hatchability and have reproduction performance than exotic and crossbreed chickens. From this review, it is concluded that there is variation in chicken reproductive performance of the same breed in different parts of the country.




How to Cite

Fikru Mersha, S., & Senbeta, E. K. (2020). Chicken Reproductive Performance in Ethiopia: Review. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 8(8), 1755–1762.



Review Articles