Impact of Packaging Materials on the Shelf Life of Enriched Aadun (Maize Meal Snack commonly consumed by the Southwestern region of Nigeria)




enhanced aadun, storage, energy, oxidative and sensory


Optimum condition at 64.80% maize flour, 20% groundnut paste and 13.20 % palm oil was formulated to produced nutritionally enhanced aadun snack. The snack was stored in the different storage materials namely, sweet prayer plant leaves (control) which is usually used by most locals, low density polyethylene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and food grade plastic container (PC). The initial properties (energy, oxidative and sensory properties) of the enhanced aadun (before storage) were investigated and stored in each of the storage materials. The enhanced aadun samples in each storage material were analysed at two weeks interval for eighteen weeks. The results obtained were analysed statistically to examine the effect of the storage material on the aforementioned properties. The results for energy content decreased significantly (P>0.05) in across all the samples stored. The free fatty acid, acid valve and peroxide value increased significantly (P<0.05) in all the storage materials during the storage period but only the samples stored in PC and HDPE were within the recommended limit of FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) at the end of the storage period. The sensory quality of the control sample was acceptable up to 12 weeks while samples in other storage materials were still acceptable at the end of the storage period under ambient storage condition.

Author Biography

Bosede Orhevba, Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering, Federal University of Technology Minna, P.M.B 65, Niger State, Nigeria

Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering (Professor)


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How to Cite

Atteh, B., Orhevba, B., & Sadiq, A. (2024). Impact of Packaging Materials on the Shelf Life of Enriched Aadun (Maize Meal Snack commonly consumed by the Southwestern region of Nigeria). Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(8), 1302–1307.



Research Paper