Sustainable Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy AHP (AHP-F) and Fuzzy ARAS (ARAS-F) Techniques for Fertilizer Supply in the Agricultural Supply Chain




Agricultural Marketing, Supplier Selection, Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy ARAS, MCDM


Implementing the right strategies in the agricultural supply chain in the supply of seeds, pesticides, fertilizer, energy, fuel and agricultural mechanization tools and equipment has a great role in increasing agricultural productivity. The main purpose of the study is to rank and evaluate alternatives in choosing a sustainable fertilizer supplier in the agricultural supply chain by using AHP-F and ARAS-F techniques. In an environment of uncertainty and complex supply chain structure, multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods are widely used to solve supplier selection problems. In this study, the importance levels and weights of the criteria in the selection of sustainable fertilizer suppliers were measured by the AHP-F method. The criteria that are important for fertilizer supplier selection were evaluated by taking expert opinions, the uncertain and uncertain opinions of the decision makers were modeled with the AHP-F approach and the weights of the criteria were determined. Among the criteria, resource consumption (FSC05) has the highest weight. Then, alternative rankings were obtained with the ARAS-F method. Fertilizer supplier alternatives in the agricultural supply chain were ranked with the ARAS-F method, using the criterion weights found with AHP-F. In the ranking of alternatives, alternative fertilizer supplier FS03 ranked first with the highest value. This study provides a resource for businesses and other stakeholders to make decisions regarding sustainable fertilizer supplier selection.


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How to Cite

Atlı, H. F. (2024). Sustainable Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy AHP (AHP-F) and Fuzzy ARAS (ARAS-F) Techniques for Fertilizer Supply in the Agricultural Supply Chain. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(8), 1269–1280.



Research Paper