International Migration, Xenophobia and Migrant Employment in Rural Areas: Konya Example

Uluslararası Göçler, Zenofobi ve Kırsal Alanlarda Yabancı İstihdamına Bakış Açısı: Konya Örneği




Xenophobia, Agriculture, Agricultural labor, Employment, Foreign labor


This study examines the problems arising from that the agricultural sector has become a significant employment area for migrant labor due to migrant migration. The presence of migrant labor in the agricultural sector has increased because of the cost advantages provided by agricultural operators of cheap labor supply despite informal working conditions. Migrant labor has crucial contributions to the sustainability of production activities, especially in the agricultural sector, where the local labor does not want to be employed. However, the perspective of local people toward migrants differs over time, especially due to different social and cultural characteristics. Since these differences are more noticeable in small settlements, such as rural areas people who are migrant to society or national identity become unwanted in the living spaces of local people over course of time, this study aimed to determine the perspective toward migrant labor and to evaluate the impact of this situation on the sustainability of production. In line with the results obtained, policy recommendations were made for the integration of migrant labor and the planning of agricultural activities.


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How to Cite

Bozdemir Akçil, M., & Bayramoğlu, Z. (2024). International Migration, Xenophobia and Migrant Employment in Rural Areas: Konya Example: Uluslararası Göçler, Zenofobi ve Kırsal Alanlarda Yabancı İstihdamına Bakış Açısı: Konya Örneği. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(6), 948–954.



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