Investigating the Quality of Public Fountain Water in Gümüşhane Province and the Presence of Cryptosporidium spp. Using the PCR Method




Aluminum, Cryptosporidium spp., Public Fountains, Coliform, Nitrite


This study examined the physical, chemical, and microbiological qualities of water samples collected from 97 public fountains located in Gümüşhane's center and its districts, including Kelkit, Şiran, Köse, Kürtün, and Torul. Additionally, the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. was investigated using the conventional PCR method. In the study, pH, electrical conductivity, nitrite (NO2) and ammonium (NH4⁺) values in all samples were found to comply with the drinking water regulation and standard (TS 266). The study revealed that the turbidity values of 16.49% of the samples exceeded the limit specified in the regulations. The analysis showed that the hardness values of 4.12% of the samples exceeded the limit set by the World Health Organization. In terms of heavy metals, it was determined that the iron (Fe) content of 2 (2.06%) samples and the aluminum (Al) content of 3 (3.09%) samples were above the limit values specified in the regulation and TS 266. Microbiologically, it was determined that 39.18% of the samples did not comply with the relevant regulation and TS 266 standard in terms of E.coli and coliform group bacteria. Cryptosporidium spp. was not detected in any of the samples. Consequently, it has been concluded that some of Gümüşhane's public fountains pose a risk to public health.


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How to Cite

Atasever, M., Mazlum, H., Çevik, B., & Üzüm, H. (2024). Investigating the Quality of Public Fountain Water in Gümüşhane Province and the Presence of Cryptosporidium spp. Using the PCR Method. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(9), 1530–1538.



Research Paper