A Research on Determining the Attitudes of Consumers Living in the Black Sea Region Towards Hazelnut





Hazelnut, Attitude, Attitude towards hazelnut, Consumer behavior, Black Sea Region


This study aims to determine the attitudes of consumers living in the Black Sea Region towards hazelnut. The study has also tried to determine whether the attitudes of the participants towards hazelnuts differ according to their demographic characteristics. The population of the research consists of people between the ages of 18-65 living in the Black Sea Region. The sample consists of 384 people who were selected by convenience sampling method and voluntarily participated in the research. Descriptive statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis, t-test and Anova tests were used to analyze the data. It was observed that the majority of the consumers in the research area consume hazelnuts in the form of half a handful of natural hazelnuts in the evening meals, usually 2-3 times a week. As a result of the factor analysis conducted to measure consumers' attitudes towards hazelnuts, four sub-dimensions were obtained: health, culture, happiness and flavor. It was determined that the averages of all sub-dimensions of the attitudes towards hazelnut scale, except for the flavor sub-dimension, differed according to some demographic characteristics of consumers. It was observed that the happiness sub-dimension was more important in the attitudes of single and male consumers towards hazelnuts than married and female consumers. It was concluded that the health sub-dimension is more important in consumers' attitudes towards hazelnuts as the age and education level increases. It is thought that the findings obtained as a result of this study will be useful in terms of guiding people by addressing the living standards of hazelnut consumers on the axis of healthy life and psychological happiness.


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How to Cite

Öztürk, D. (2024). A Research on Determining the Attitudes of Consumers Living in the Black Sea Region Towards Hazelnut. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(5), 786–794. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v12i5.786-794.6813



Research Paper