Determination of Factors Affecting the Cumin Production Decision of Agricultural Enterprises: The Case of Konya Province




Analytical Hierarchy Process , Cumin , Multi-Criteria Decision Making , Production Decision Criteria , Medicinal and Aromatic


Turkey has vast agricultural lands and diverse climatic conditions, and different plant species can be cultivated. Especially, Konya province, located in the Central Anatolia Region, is an important agricultural centre in Turkey. Konya province, which has a polyculture production pattern, stands out in the production of medicinal and aromatic plants due to its favourable climatic conditions and soil structure. In Turkey, 26.33% of cumin, which is among the medicinal and aromatic plants, is produced in Konya province. This study aims to determine the factors affecting cumin production. For this purpose, 65 cumin producers determined by proportional sampling method were interviewed. The data obtained through these interviews were analysed by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the weights of the criteria affecting the cumin production decision of the agricultural enterprises. In the process of determining the criteria influencing the cumin production decision, the opinions of subject experts working in universities, public institutions and organizations and producers were taken. Among the criteria determined as yield, price, labour requirement, water requirement, ease of marketing, mechanisation, input costs, cultivation knowledge, soil structure and subsidies, the most important criterion was found to be price with 28.11%. Price criterion is followed by input cost 22.57%, water requirement 12.13%,  yield 8.71%, cultivation knowledge 8.43%, subsidies 6.82%, ease of marketing 4.74%, soil structure 3.63%, mechanisation 2.54% and labour requirement 2.25%. It is thought that the solution of the mechanisation problem will make a significant contribution to cumin production as it will reduce the need for labour force.


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How to Cite

Çiftci, F. (2024). Determination of Factors Affecting the Cumin Production Decision of Agricultural Enterprises: The Case of Konya Province. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(8), 1281–1286.



Research Paper