Determination of the Change of Agricultural Landscapes Based on CORINE Land Cover Agricultural Land Classes Using GIS and Visual Quality Value with the AHP Method: The Case of Tekı̇rdağ Province




CORINE Land Cover, Agricultural landscape, Visual quality, AHP, Tekirdağ


Agricultural landscapes contribute positively to the visual texture of the city and change over time. In this context, this study aims to determine the visual landscape quality of agricultural landscapes based on parameters on expert approach the hypothesis; it is important and necessary to determine the visual landscape values based on the change in agricultural landscapes over time. Within the framework of the developed hypothesis, it aims to make an expert-based visual landscape assessment of the agricultural landscapes of Tekirdağ Province, located in the northwestern part of Türkiye, based on nine subclasses created according to the CORINE land cover (CLC) classes, on the basis of 4 main parameters. Using the AHP technique, the priorities of the parameters and agricultural landscape classes and the relationships between basic parameters and visual preferences were determined. In this direction, the questions; What are the priorities of parameters that are effective in determining the visual quality of agricultural landscapes on the basis of expert approach?; What kind of changes have occurred in agricultural landscapes during the years 1990-2000-2006-2012-2018 in 9 subclasses created according to the CLC classes? and; How should the visual landscape quality values of the agricultural landscape subclasses created according to the CLC classes be ranked? The results of the study can be used as a tool in landscape planning and management studies as a factor in strengthening landscape quality.


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How to Cite

Güneş Tigen, M., & Kiper, T. (2024). Determination of the Change of Agricultural Landscapes Based on CORINE Land Cover Agricultural Land Classes Using GIS and Visual Quality Value with the AHP Method: The Case of Tekı̇rdağ Province. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(8), 1366–1377.



Research Paper