Enhancing Culinary Operations Through Fuzzy Logic: A Case Study in the Catering Industry





Fuzzy logic, Catering, Gastronomy, business impact analysis, critical business processes


This study aimed to analyze the business impact of the catering sector using the fuzzy logic method. The research was conducted at a catering company in Istanbul, utilizing document review and participant observation methods to evaluate the business impact. The nominal prioritization method was used to identify critical business processes, and a model along with a mathematical formula was developed for calculating the business impact. The Fuzzy Logic Designer Toolbox in MATLAB was utilized for this calculation. The study identified eight critical business processes: (1) material supply, (2) material storage, (3) pre-preparation process, (4) cooking process, (5) portioning, (6) shipping, (7) hygiene and food safety, and (8) customer relationship management. The business impact was assessed using classical and fuzzy logic methods, and the results were compared. The fuzzy logic method provided a more flexible and comprehensive assessment, managing uncertainty and variability more effectively than classical logic. Overall, it proved to be more effective in optimizing business processes, offering a more dynamic and holistic approach to improving and prioritizing these processes.


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How to Cite

Doğan, M. (2024). Enhancing Culinary Operations Through Fuzzy Logic: A Case Study in the Catering Industry. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(s2), 2306–2316. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v12is2.2306-2316.7042