Antibiotic Resistance in Food Pathogens: New Threats and Preventions Strategies
Antimicrobial resistance, Food pathogens, Food safety, Public safety, Antibiotic residueAbstract
Foodborne pathogens are a major threat for food production and safety, causing serious health problems, including illness and death, and contributing to food spoilage. Antimicrobial agents, which include both natural and synthetic chemicals, are commonly used to control the growth and survival of these microorganisms. However, the misuse of antimicrobial agents, particularly in animal food production, can lead to the contamination of the food chain and facilitate the spread of antibiotic-resistant genes. These resistance genes enable pathogenic bacteria to survive antibiotic treatment, posing a significant threat to global health. The acquisition of antibiotic resistance by foodborne pathogens has become an issue of major concern, contributing to the emergence of infections that are increasingly difficult to treat. This review aims to assess the current knowledge on antibiotic resistance in foodborne pathogens, emphasizing its global impact and the situation in Türkiye. By reviewing the literature on antibiotic resistance genes, this study highlights the urgent need for strategies to combat the rise of resistant pathogens in the food chain.
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