Use of Soybean Silage as A Forage Source in Dairy Cow Rations
Ration, ruminant feeding, soy, soybean silageAbstract
Rations for ruminant animals should contain a particular proportion of roughage and concentrate feed. Concentrated feeds, which are rich in nutrients, typically increase the cost of the ration. The cultivation of high-quality roughage is critical to reducing costs in cattle enterprises. Getting rid of this high cost in livestock enterprises depends on the production of quality roughage. Livestock firms in our country are looking for alternative roughage to cut feed costs and improve product quality. Soybean, the topic of this study, is a type of roughage that can be used as silage or grain in ruminant feeds. Soybean, a legume forage plant, is an important roughage feed due to its high protein content (about 20%). With this functionality, soybean can be substituted for some of the feed sources used as the basic protein source in ruminant rations. In fact, some studies have shown that soybean silage can be used, even partially, instead of soybean meal, which is considered the highest quality protein source. This article provides information on the potential of soybean plant to be used as a source of roughage (grain and silage) in ruminant rations.
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