A Review: Study of Multi-ovary Wheat and Yield Contributing Traits





Wheat, Multi-Ovary, Yield related traits, Genetics, Combining Ability


Wheat is an essential crop throughout the world and especially in Pakistan. It has a great yield potential which can cope with the raising food challenges of the world but there is a more need to increase its yield with its increasing demand. There is a need to increase the yield by improving the genetic characters. Breeder‘s intention is to find out the variability in the genetic lines and by the use of these lines they can develop the high yielding breeding lines. Multi-ovary is a novel character to increase the number of grains per spikelet. What type of gene actions control that? From this review we get that some support the single dominant gene controlled trait, some support the two recessive non-complementary genes controlled trait and some favour the both as it is controlled by both dominant and recessive genes in different tri-grain lines. Secondly there is a need to study the genetic variation for the yield contributing traits. So that we can improve our genotypes to attain high yield. How we can evaluate yield and yield components. Combining ability is a considerable tool for this. Literature revealed that additive gene action contributes more towards yield than non-additive. In this many lines also came forward as good combiners which in future we can use them for a successful wheat hybridization program.




How to Cite

Ayoub, M., Saif, R., Zafar, N., & Tariq, M. (2019). A Review: Study of Multi-ovary Wheat and Yield Contributing Traits. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 7(9), 1283–1294. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v7i9.1283-1294.2452



Review Articles