The Relationship between Tourism Planning and Bioclimatic Comfort in Rural Areas: The Case of Kofçaz/Kirklareli/Türkiye




Bioclimatic comfort, Geographic Information Systems, tourism plannning, climate and tourism


In this study, the bioclimatic comfort status for tourism was determined through PET using RayMan model in the case of rural settlements of Kırklareli/Kofçaz located in the northwest part of Turkey. For calculating the thermal comfort index of PET in RayMan, monthly average temperature, relative humidity, and wind measurement long- term values between 1980-2018 with respect to 13 climate stations located within the borders of Turkey and Bulgaria were used and interpolated with the IDW method in ArcGIS program. Afterwards, seasonal, and monthly climatic maps were established regarding annual average temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. The maps obtained were classified according to the comfort zones that determine the bioclimatic comfort and the bioclimatic comfort map of the study area was created. As a result of the assessments performed, it has been determined that the bioclimatic comfort situation varies temporally and spatially. The results obtained from the study will be effective in determining the period and place preferences in tourism planning, determining rural development-oriented strategies, and ensuring the quality of life and comfort of the relevant stakeholders. It will serve as a reference for the climate-sensitive approach targeted in upper-scale plans and policies within the scope of combating climate change.


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How to Cite

Ateş, O., Kiper, T., & Uzun, O. (2023). The Relationship between Tourism Planning and Bioclimatic Comfort in Rural Areas: The Case of Kofçaz/Kirklareli/Türkiye . Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 11(4), 883–896.



Research Paper