Pollen Viability and Germination Levels with Amount of Pollen Production of Some Important Olive Cultivars in Türkiye





Olives, pollen, viability, germination, amount of pollen production


This research was carried out to determine the pollination abilities of Domat, Gemlik and Sarı Ulak olive cultivars. Pollen viability rate, germination rate and amount of pollen production were examined during the periods when 25%, 50% and 75% of the flowers were opened.  According to the results obtained from three years’ experimental study, the highest percentages of pollen viability were found in Gemlik (81.51%) and Domat (81.50%), whereas Sarı Ulak cultivar (77.41%) showed the lowest viability. In pollen germination percentages, the highest values on the basis of cultivars were determined 59.85% (Domat), 59.74% (Gemlik) and 52.12% (Sarı Ulak). The highest amount of pollen production in a flower was found in the Sarı Ulak cultivar (329,046) while it was followed by Domat (319,693) and Gemlik (306,385). Despite the high pollen production in Sarı Ulak cultivar, the pollen viability and germination rates were found to be low. In Gemlik and Domat cultivars, all values were obtained relatively near. In addition, it had been noted that the values related to pollen viability, germination and production amount were higher during 50% and 75% flowering periods than 25%.


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How to Cite

Dölek Gencer, C., Özkaya, M. T., Eti, S., Karabıyık, Şenay, & Taskin Madrigal Fletcher, N. (2023). Pollen Viability and Germination Levels with Amount of Pollen Production of Some Important Olive Cultivars in Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 11(6), 1176–1182. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v11i6.1176-1182.5773



Research Paper