The Effect of Corporate Identity on the Entrance of Educational Venues




Corporate Identity, Interior Design, Educational Spaces, Surface Design


In the study, it was aimed to make the interior design qualified with the principle of corporate identity, and to make and apply the wall surface design in the education spaces, and thus to bring the corporate identity to the user in an inclusive way with the interior design of the determined sample area. Wall surfaces at the entrance of Selçuk University Social Sciences Institute and Selçuk University Faculty of Letters were used as material in the study. In the method of the study, literature research was conducted and focused on corporate identity and educational spaces through the discipline of interior architecture. Afterwards, observations and analyzes were made by taking the opinions and suggestions of the staff and students who constantly use the sampling areas. Accordingly, it has been observed that there should be wall surfaces where the guests and students can take photos, reinforced with focusing lighting, which represents the corporate identity with the logo at the entrances of the educational venues discussed. According to the data obtained, the wall surface design was made and applied according to the institutional identity of the educational spaces considered as material. After the implementation of the design, based on on-site observations and analyzes, it is seen that the sense of belonging of the staff and students to the institution develops, the guests and alumni increase the recognition of the institution by taking photographs, which are commonly carried out today, and the wall surface of the design becomes active by bringing it to the place it belongs to.


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How to Cite

Noraslı, M., & Akçaova, A. (2023). The Effect of Corporate Identity on the Entrance of Educational Venues. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 11(s1), 2554–2558.



Research Paper