Live Weight and Egg Production Changes of Pure Lines Used to Obtain Anadolu-T Broiler Parent Line




Pure lines, selection, live weight, feed efficiency, breast width, lifetime fcr, egg production, fertility rate


Broiler parent breeding studies in Türkiye were restarted in 2015 using pure lines. In these studies, parent production was carried out through selection and crossing studies on A1, A2 dam lines and B1, B2 sire lines. By revealing the yield characteristics of the parents and hybrids, the material was registered under the name “Anadolu-T” in 2020. According to the breeding program implemented in 2016 in pure lines, during the growth period; selection was made according to characteristics such as live weight (LW), live weight gain (LWG), 49-63 day feed efficiency (FCR), 49 day breast area (BA) and heritability of wing feathering rate. During the laying period; selection was continued in terms of egg production (EP) in the dam lines and fertility rate in the sire lines. Thus, both commercial breeder and commercial broiler performances of pure lines with different characteristics were tried to be improved. In this study, the data obtained between 2017 and 2022 years, according to the applied breeding program was evaluated. It was observed that the hatching egg yield produced at 40 weeks of age was at an acceptable level. It is seen that progress has been made in pure lines in terms of traits such as LW, FCR and BA in both dam and sire lines. The existing pure lines are at a level that will provide a significant capacity for Türkiye, which is being produced under commercial companies. With appropriate propagation and distribution practices, it is possible to meet 10-15% of our country's broiler chiks needs with these material. In the sharing made with the private sector, the productivity characteristics of the breeders were found to be at an acceptable level, and 5-week-old broiler chicken performances were similar to commercial broiler chickens.


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How to Cite

Oğuzhan, E., & Sarıca, M. (2024). Live Weight and Egg Production Changes of Pure Lines Used to Obtain Anadolu-T Broiler Parent Line . Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(9), 1539–1547.



Research Paper