Food safety knowledge of young food handlers: A cross-sectional study in Türkiye




Food security, Food preparation, food poisoning, foodborne disease, food hygiene


The aim of this study was to investigate food safety knowledge levels according to the socio-demographic profiles of young food handlers and to find out the determinants of the knowledge level. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Türkiye; it consisted of sections including hygienic design, freezing and thawing, preparation, cooking and reheating, service, storage, and foodborne diseases sections. The food safety knowledge level differed according to gender, age, income, grade level, and intership status. Participants who coded 60% of the survey statements correctly were considered to have “good” food safety knowledge. Knowledge about cooking and reheating, foodborne diseases, and service was found to be at a poor level, but food safety knowledge (overall) was good (68%). The correct score ratio was found to be the highest for hygienic design. Binary logistic regression presented that gender, income, grade level, and internship status significantly affected knowledge level. The strongest predictors were found to be income of $638-$850 (exp (β)=12.9) and more than $850 (exp (β)=4.6), respectively. This study highlights that female students under the age of 25 with an income of more than $638, who have not yet completed an internship, have the highest level of food safety knowledge. This study presented a holistic approach to the food safety knowledge of young food handlers. These insights can contribute to the development of hygiene/sanitation and food safety course content for culinary and gastronomy students.


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How to Cite

Başkaya Sezer, D. (2024). Food safety knowledge of young food handlers: A cross-sectional study in Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(2), 143–152.



Research Paper