Effect of Different Iron Fertilizer Applications on the Chlorophyll, Active Iron and Nutrient Contents of Kiwifruit Leaves
Kiwifruit , Iron chlorosis , Chelates , FeSO4 , Foliar and soil applicationsAbstract
This study was carried out to determine the preventation levels of iron (Fe) chlorosis in kiwifruit by soil application of Fe-EDDHA, Fe-DTPA, Fe-HBED, FeSO4 and foliar application of Fe-DTPA, Fe-EDTA, FeSO4 and Fe-Nano fertilizers. While soil treatment was 5g Fe application, foliar treatments was 10 mg L-1 Nano-Fe and the other fertilizers were 75 mg Fe L-1 doses per tree. Leaf samples were taken at different periods (flowering, fruit set, mid season) and their effects on the total and active Fe, total chlorophyll and some nutrient contents of the plants were investigated. According to the results, it was determined that although total Fe content of kiwifruit leaves decreased after the flowering period, active Fe and chlorophyll contents and active Fe/total Fe ratio increased. Leaves have usually sufficient levels of nutrient contents except for Fe and Mg in all treatments. On the other hand, it was determined that foliar applications of Fe-EDTA, FeSO4 and Fe-DTPA and soil applications of FeSO4, Fe-HBED and Fe-EDDHA were more effective in preventing of Fe chlorosis in kiwifruit, respectively.
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