Comparison of Different Soil Tillage Methods for Sustainable Agriculture in the Transition Climate Zone in Terms of Seedbed Quality and Green Grass Yield of Triticale-Vetch Mixture
Seedbed quality, surface roughness, sustainable soil tillage, the degree of soil fragmentationAbstract
In the research conducted under the conditions of Tokat, silage triticale-vetch mixture-second crop silage corn rotation was applied. The study used four different tillage methods to compare the quality and product yield of the seedbed prepared for silage triticale-vetch mixture. Conventional tillage method (M1), conservation tillage method (M2), reduced tillage method (M3), and direct sowing (M4) methods were applied. Seedbed quality: It was evaluated regarding soil moisture content, bulk density, penetration resistance, degree of soil fragmentation, and surface roughness for depths of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm. The effect of soil tillage methods on porosity, surface roughness, and green grass yield were statistically insignificant. Although there were statistical differences between the methods regarding soil moisture content (MC), bulk density (BD), penetration resistance (PR), and mean weight diameter values (MWD), the values are within the limit values determined for plant growth. However, crop yield is the same between soil tillage methods. This result shows that alternative tillage methods are applicable when evaluated in sustainable agriculture, which does not create a statistically significant difference in crop yield compared to conventional tillage.
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