Monumental Trees and Related Ecotourism Routes in Ordu Province




monument tree, ecotourism, accesibility, GIS , Protection of Monumental Trees


Monumental trees are a natural heritage that should be protected. They are distinguished from ordinary trees by their physical and socio-cultural characteristics. A tree’s extraordinary height, diameter, crown diameter, trunk diameter and age measurements, interesting root and trunk formations, extreme limits of distribution, and stories attributed to the tree are the beginning of what makes a tree extraordinary. These trees, which are called the heritage of nature, can be used in scientific studies, increase people’s environmental awareness and contribute to ecotourism activities. Therefore, documenting monumental trees requires technical and rational planning and management. This study deals with 49 registered monumental trees in Ordu Province. The data used in the study were obtained from the Sites Management System (SAYS) and the State of Environment Report for 2022. Information on the quality and quantity of the registered monumental trees and the findings obtained, their location and route information and other values that contribute to ecotourism are given. The route was created in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) environment by considering the distances of the routes and other natural resources from each other. The study aims to contribute to the protection and promotion of existing monumental trees. In addition, the memorial aims to raise awareness about trees.


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How to Cite

Şentürk, E., & Yeşil, P. (2024). Monumental Trees and Related Ecotourism Routes in Ordu Province. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(9), 1591–1599.



Research Paper