Comparison of Essential Oil Results Obtained from Stems and Leaves of Anatolian Sage (Salvia fruticosa MILL.) Using Microwave-assisted Distillation System




Salvia triloba, Microwave-assisted distillation, Sage, Essential oil, Magnetron


In this study, firstly, simulation studies are carried out on how to provide microwave support to an industrial-size distillation system, and an industrial-size MDD system is designed. Microwave support is provided by placing 4x3 magnetrons in the distillation boiler. Tests of the sage plant are carried out using both the traditional and this MDD system. In addition, the essential oil results obtained by distillation of sage with stems and leaves or by distillation of only leaves are compared. Chemical analysis of the essential oils obtained from the distillation is performed by GC-MS and effects of the proposed system on the distillation processes is evaluated. According to the results obtained, the oil yield obtained with the MDD system increases by 10% compared to the conventional system for the two different cases where herb is used. Herb and leaves are distilled separately using the MDD system and the yield increase is more than 100% when only the leaves are distilled. Changes in chemical constituents were studied in detail.


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How to Cite

Genç, A., & Doğan, H. (2024). Comparison of Essential Oil Results Obtained from Stems and Leaves of Anatolian Sage (Salvia fruticosa MILL.) Using Microwave-assisted Distillation System. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(9), 1583–1590.



Research Paper