Some Yield and Growth Traits of Anatolian Buffaloes and the Effects of First Calving Age and Calving Interval on These Traits




Anatolian buffalo, calf, live weight, fertility, milk yield, first calving age, calving interval


Numerous in-depth studies have described the fertility traits, growth performance and milk yield traits of dairy animals, which are considered indicators of welfare, but there are limited studies examining these traits within the framework of cause-effect relationships, especially in buffaloes. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in some milk, growth and fertility traits of Anatolian buffaloes over the years in some dairy farms where the Buffalo Breeding Project in Public Conditions was implemented in Samsun province and, to investigate the effects of first calving age (FCA) and calving interval (CI) on milk and growth traits. The study was conducted in 27 buffalo farms (3295 buffalo cows and 3317 buffalo calves) located in Bafra district, the region with the highest buffalo population in Samsun province, Türkiye. The data was taken from records previously kept within the scope of the relevant project. The data such as growth characteristics [birth weight (BW), 6th and 12th-mo live weight (LW) values of calves born between 2013-2020] and lactation traits of cows [lactation milk yield (LMY) and lactation duration (LD)] and FCA and CI values were analyzed by analysis of variance. The effect of years on LMY of buffalo cows was found to be significant, and significant positive changes were determined from year to year. In addition, the BW, 6th-mo, and 12th-mo LW values of calves also varied from year to year. As the FCA value of buffaloes increased, the BW, 6th-mo, and 12th-mo LW values of calves and LMY of cows increased. Similarly, CI values affected the BW values of calves (P<0.01), and LMY and LD values increased in parallel with the increase in CI values. Consequently, determining the lactation and growth traits of buffaloes could benefit developing herd management practices that would optimize these performance indicators.


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How to Cite

Akyol, A., & Erdem, H. (2024). Some Yield and Growth Traits of Anatolian Buffaloes and the Effects of First Calving Age and Calving Interval on These Traits. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(10), 1659–1667.



Research Paper