Relationship Between Agriculture and Forestry Workers, Authentic Leadership, and Organizational Commitment




authentic leadership, organizational commitment, agricultural and forest workers.


This study examines the relationships between authentic leadership perceptions and organizational commitment levels of public personnel working in the agriculture and forestry sector. Within the scope of this research, surveys consisting of ready-made scales were used. The authentic leadership scale is a scale consisting of four dimensions and 16 items. The answers given to the surveys were interpreted using the SPSS package program. When the results of the research are evaluated in general; It appears that the perception of authentic leadership has a significant effect on organizational commitment. Looking at the demographic results; According to gender, it has been determined that men have more authentic leadership perceptions than women. According to education level; It appears that authentic leadership perception and organizational commitment do not differ. When examining whether employees’ authentic leadership perceptions and organizational commitments vary according to their age; It is seen that the perception of authentic leadership and organizational commitment differ according to age. While employees between the ages of 36 and 40 have higher perceptions of authentic leadership; Organizational commitment of those between the ages of 41 and 45 was higher.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, H. Özcan. (2024). Relationship Between Agriculture and Forestry Workers, Authentic Leadership, and Organizational Commitment. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(8), 1287–1291.



Research Paper