Evaluation of WEPP and Its Comparison with USLE and MUSLE in Yozgat-Kadılı Village





MUSLE, USLE, WEPP, Fournier index, Yozgat


The water erosion is a significant environmental issue in arid and semi-arid regions. It leads to soil degradation, reduced agricultural productivity, and desertification. This article used The WEPP, the USLE, and the MUSLE models to estimate the average soil loss in the Yozgat-Kadılı village. Also, The MUSLE model utilized the WEPP model-estimated runoff for soil loss estimation. The USLE model, which estimates soil erosion using six factors (R, K, L, S, P, and C), can be improved by incorporating the Modified Fournier Index (MFI). Results indicated that the MUSLE model (3.66 t/ha) performed well in estimating soil losses close to the observed value (3.15) in the wheat fields between 1986-1996. the MUSLE (5.31 t/ha) and WEPP (5.88 t/ha) models underestimated soil losses to the observed value (8.75 t/ha) in the fallow field for 1986-1996. The WEPP model estimated the highest average soil loss at 5.18 t/ha in a wheat field, while the USLE model yielded the lowest estimate at 1.28 t/ha between 1969 and 2020. The MUSLE model estimated the highest (4.94 t/ha) and The USLE model estimated the lowest (2.53 t/ha) soil loss in the fallow field between 1969-2020. Results also revealed that the WEPP model is needed to calibrate for estimating soil loss in arid and semi-arid regions.


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How to Cite

Demir, S., Şimşek, H., & Kaya, Y. (2024). Evaluation of WEPP and Its Comparison with USLE and MUSLE in Yozgat-Kadılı Village . Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(10), 1684–1695. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v12i10.1684-1695.6895



Research Paper