Investigation of Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours of University Students/Consumers About Organic Animal Products




Attitude, Behavior, Knowledge, Organic agriculture, Organic animal products, University students


This study aims to determine the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of university students/consumers towards organic animal products. The study included 1389 university students. The data was collected between 15 October 2023 and 15 January 2024. T-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation test were used in the analysis. As a result of the research, it was found that university students do not have sufficient information about organic products, but they do say that they consume organic animal products. The internet, social media, family and relatives are the most important sources of information about organic livestock products for university students. In addition, it was found that students prefer milk and dairy products and red or white meat among organic animal products. It was observed that the respondents perceived organic animal products to be healthy, nutritious and safe. It was observed that they generally source these products from their home towns or from familiar producers and they perceive them as healthy, tasty and of high quality. It was found that the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of university students towards organic animal products differed statistically significantly according to some variables. While a weak positive relationship was found between their knowledge and attitudes towards organic animal products, a positive and moderately significant relationship was found between attitudes and behaviors. The results of this study provide important information about the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of university students towards organic animal products. It also provides a comprehensive understanding of the popularity and consumption habits of organic animal products among university students in Türkiye.


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How to Cite

Aral, O., & Cufadar, Y. (2024). Investigation of Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours of University Students/Consumers About Organic Animal Products . Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(s2), 2242–2256.