The Nexus between Cluster Farming and Household Dietary Diversity among Smallholder Wheat Farmers in Ethiopia




Cluster farming, dietary diversity, Ethiopia, Wheat , Logistic regression


This study examined the nexus between cluster farming and household dietary diversity among smallholder wheat farmers in Oromia region, Ethiopia. Three-stage sampling procedures were employed to gather data from 384 household heads on a cross-sectional survey that was carried out in June 2022. Descriptive statistics and a binary logistic regression model were used for data analysis. The average, minimum, and maximum household dietary diversity scores were 7.10, 1, and 11, respectively. A significant difference was observed: participants in cluster farming had 14% more dietary diversity than their counterparts. Sex, marital status, participation in wheat cluster farming, home gardening, off-farm income, number of crops grown, cooperative membership, and access to training determined household dietary diversity. The study indicates that dietary diversity in households is influenced by a variety of factors. While wheat cluster-based farming is heavily promoted, household food and nutrition security also need to consider other elements like home gardening, off-farm income, cooperative membership, and training access.


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How to Cite

Bezabeh Ali, A., & Lemma Tefera, T. (2024). The Nexus between Cluster Farming and Household Dietary Diversity among Smallholder Wheat Farmers in Ethiopia. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(10), 1753–1761.



Research Paper