Evaluating Large Cardamom Agriculture Practices: A Case Study from Panchthar, Nepal
BC ratio, Ramsai, Bhatti, Furkey, Kainchi-cutAbstract
A study conducted in Phalelung rural municipality, Panchthar, Nepal, in 2023 examined agricultural practices and the economic analysis of large cardamom. A total of 60 households were randomly selected, and data were collected through primary and secondary sources using surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and field observations to assess the large cardamom economy, package of practices and various challenges faced by farmers. The study revealed that 28% of farmers grew the Ramsai cultivar, with over 82% having access to irrigation. Most farmers (77%) managed shade well and maintained their orchards effectively. However, only 50% used specialized harvesting tools, and 63% employed improved kiln (bhatti), though more education is needed. 68% of farmers received subsidies for constructing improved kiln (bhatti). Notably, 70% of farmers lacked knowledge about cardamom grading, and 90% were unaware of value-added practices. Farmers predominantly used jute bags for packaging. Major issues identified included plant wilt, furkey, rhizome rot, and stem borer infestations. The total production cost was NPR. 114,460.5 per hectare, with a BC ratio of 1.54. Having high market value, large cardamom provides promising opportunity to uplift the economic and social condition of farmers and stakeholders. This study provides an overview of the status of large cardamom production, processing practices, best cultivation practices to be adopted, disease pest incidence on large cardamom, storage, grading with various cultural practices to be adopted and feasibility of large cardamom cultivation area. This study would help both governmental and non- governmental agencies to make effective plans for large cardamom cultivation to meet Phyto-Sanitary status and minimum requirements to enter export and import system of cardamom in global market.
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