Physicochemical, Nutritional, and Antioxidant Properties of Ice Cream Enriched with Red Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) at Varying Sucrose Levels




Ice cream, Phenolic, Melting, Red beetroot, Sugar content, Viscosity


This study aims to produce a low-calorie ice cream with a higher nutritional value using red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.). Four kinds of ice cream containing 5%, 10 % and 15% sucrose and single red beetroot (RB) ratio 15% and control (15% sucrose+ RB free) encoded as RB5, RB10, RB15 and C were produced respectively. The addition of RB increased pH and decreased the acidity (LA) and dry matter contents compared to control. Ash content was decreased depending on the sucrose ratio. While the lowest overrun value was determined in the RB10 sample (23.08%), the highest was in sample C (39.18%). The increasing of sucrose ratio generally increased the first dropping time and decreased the total melting time. The addition of sucrose reduced the viscosity and the highest viscosity values were observed in the sample RB5. While the lowest total phenolic content (TPC) was observed in the control sample (329.69 GAE mg/kg), the highest TPC was found in the RB5 sample (558.55 GAE mg/kg). Also, the lowest DPPH value was determined in the control sample (13.66% inhibition), the highest DPPH value was determined in the RB10 sample (27.98% inhibition). While fructose and glucose values decreased, sucrose values increased in the ice cream samples depending on the increasing of sucrose ratio.


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How to Cite

Hacıbektaşoğlu, F., & Gündoğdu, E. (2024). Physicochemical, Nutritional, and Antioxidant Properties of Ice Cream Enriched with Red Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) at Varying Sucrose Levels. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(10), 1722–1729.



Research Paper