Identification of InDel Variants of CSN1S1 and CMTM2 Genes Associated with Prolificacy in Hair, Honamlı, and Kabakulak Goats




CMTM2, Multiple births, Casein, Goat, Molecular genotyping, PCR


Variations such as insertion and deletion (InDel) in gene regions of alpha S1 casein (CSN1S1) and CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain protein 2 (CMTM2) may affect litter size in goats. n this study, a total of 210 animals belonging to Hair (KIL, 66 samples), Honamlı (HNM, 74 samles), and Kabakulak (KBK, 70 samples) goats were genotyped by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method to detect InDel variations of CSN1S1 and CMTM2 genes. All goat populations showed polymorphism in terms of both genes in the current study in which the frequency of the desired genotype (II) for the CSN1S1 ranged from 0.10 (KBK) to 0.12 (KIL and HNM). The lowest and highest observed heterozygosity (HO) values were observed in KBK (0.53) and KIL (0.65) goats, respectively. II genotype frequency varied between 0.09 (KIL) and 0.29 (KBK) in terms of the CMTM2 gene while H0 values ranged from 0.41 (KIL) to 0.58 (KBK). All goat populations turned out to be under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium regarding both genes. The results of the current study showed that KIL, HNM, and KBK goats conserve a sufficient genetic variation together with variable frequencies of the desired II genotype in terms of CSN1S1 and CMTM2 genes. Therefore, it is also thought that variations of the CSN1S1 and CMTM2 genes may be utilized in Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) studies to improve litter size in studied native goat breeds.


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How to Cite

Argun Karslı, B., & Demir, E. (2024). Identification of InDel Variants of CSN1S1 and CMTM2 Genes Associated with Prolificacy in Hair, Honamlı, and Kabakulak Goats. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(9), 1577–1582.



Research Paper