Investigation of Rooting Performance of Some Grapevine Rootstocks with Aeroponic Method




Vine rootstocks, IBA, Aeroponic, Rootstock rooting


In the study, the aeroponic system examined the rooting performances of three grapevine rootstocks (110R, 1103 Paulsen, 5BB) commonly used in Türkiye. IBA was applied to grapevine cuttings to encourage rooting. Grapevine cuttings taken during the winter dormancy period were placed in the aeroponic system after the necessary pretreatments. Significant improvements were observed in root length, root number, and rooting rate during the rooting process of cuttings placed in the aeroponic system. No diseases or pests were observed during the rooting period in the daily checks.

As a result of the study, the highest root length was 17.77 cm in 110R rootstock, while the lowest was 7.1 cm in 1103P rootstock. The highest rooting rate was 76.67% in a 25 ppm IBA application in 1103P rootstock and 73.33% in a 100 ppm IBA application. The lowest rooting was 10% in 110R rootstock at 100 ppm IBA application dose and in the control group. The study's results revealed the positive effects of aeroponic systems in increasing rooting performance. The advantages offered by these systems are essential in terms of sustainability and efficiency in agriculture. Considering global challenges such as climate change and the reduction of agricultural areas, aeroponic systems are expected to find wider applications in the future.


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How to Cite

İpek, D., & Karadağ, H. (2024). Investigation of Rooting Performance of Some Grapevine Rootstocks with Aeroponic Method. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(10), 1772–1778.



Research Paper