Research of the Effect of Basil Plant Extract (Ocimum basilicum odoratum) Used as a Spray during Incubation of Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar) Eggs




Basil, Chukar Partridge, Alectoris chukar, Pasgar and Tona Scores, Open Field Test


This research was conducted to investigate the effects of basil plant extract (O. basilicum odoratum) on incubation results and partridge behavior during prenatal and early postnatal periods when used in the incubation of Chukar partridge eggs (Alectoris chukar). The study utilized 160 eggs obtained from 14-week-old Chukar partridges. The eggs were divided into groups based on the application of basil extract during incubation: a control group without spraying (K), a group sprayed with pure water (F0), a group with 1% extract (F1), and a group with 5% extract (F5). The hatchability rates for the groups (K, F0, F1, and F5) were determined to be 70.66±1.51%, 75.00±0.01%, 78.33±2.88%, and 81.00±1.00%, respectively. The highest hatching power was observed in F5 at 98.41±1.12%, while the lowest was in the K group at 93.00±1.00%. No effect was observed on hatching weight. The highest Tona (98.92±0.23) and Pasgar (9.57±0.08) scores were obtained in the F5 group. Additionally, in the open field test applied to the chicks, the time spent in the center was calculated as 3.64±0.11% for F1, 3.67±0.11% for F0, 4.60±0.23% for K, and 5.71±0.14% for F5. The runway score values for the chicks were found to be 1.33±0.57 for K, 2.23±0.27 for F0, 2.66±0.57 for F1, and 3.66±0.57 for F5. In conclusion, the application of 5% basil plant extract to partridge eggs was found to increase hatchability and hatching power, reduce malformation rates, and have a positive effect on chick quality. Furthermore, based on the results of open field and runway behavior tests, the extract showed potential for reducing fear and stress in newly hatched chicks.


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How to Cite

Ergün, D., Taşkın, A., & Ergün, F. (2024). Research of the Effect of Basil Plant Extract (Ocimum basilicum odoratum) Used as a Spray during Incubation of Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar) Eggs. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(s4), 2749–2757.