The Impact of Exchange Rate and Inflation Rate Fluctuations on Türkiye’s Agricultural Exports: A Statistical Analysis




Agricultural Exports, Exchange Rate, Inflation Rate


Examining agricultural exports from the specific perspective of the Turkish economy is essential, as it facilitates the development of foreign trade policies, strengthens the agricultural sector, enhances global market competitiveness, and optimizes productivity. This study employs multiple regression analysis to assess the impact of exchange rate volatility and inflation on Türkiye's agricultural exports from 2016 to 2023. The results indicate that these two variables have a moderate effect on the value of Türkiye’s agricultural exports. Additionally, the analysis highlights that exchange rate volatility and inflation rates significantly affect these exports. Particularly, the positive impact of exchange rate volatility on exports suggests that firms may benefit from increasing their export share.


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How to Cite

Çatuk, C. (2025). The Impact of Exchange Rate and Inflation Rate Fluctuations on Türkiye’s Agricultural Exports: A Statistical Analysis. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 13(2), 339–345.



Research Paper