Evaluation of Linear Type Traits of Simmental (Fleckvieh) Cattle in a Private Farm in Karacabey District of Bursa Province





Simmental, Linear type traits, Body structure, Foot-leg structure, Udder structure


In this study, linear type traits of Simmental (SIM) cattle of Austrian and German origin, raised in a disease-free private cattle farm with the capacity of 550 heads in Karacabey District of Bursa Province, were evaluated. The overall average score of linear type traits for body structure, rump height (RH), rump length (RL), rump angle (RA), rump width (RW), back length (BL), body depth (BD), chest length (CL), muscularity (M); for udder structure, fore udder attachment (FUA), teat length (TL), teat tickness (TT), front teat placement (FTP), fore udder length (FUL), rear udder length (RUL), udder depth (UD), central ligament (CL), rear teat angle (RTA), rear teat attitude (RTA), rear teat placement (RTP), rear udder height (RUH); for foot-leg structure, hock agularity (HA), hock development (HD), hoof angle (HFA), hoof height (HH) and ankle angle (AA) were determined as 142.73±0.207 cm, 43.66±0.164 cm, 5.13±0.039, 20.02±0.114, 85.15±0.384 cm, 75.31±0.194 cm, 5.76±0.033, 5.41±0.038, 5.23±0.055, 5.47±0.060 cm, 3.49±0.025 cm, 4.01±0.043, 5.44±0.043, 5.11±0.041, 3.40±0.059, 4.66±0.066, 4.49±0.045, 4.62±0.048, 4.80±0.057, 5.60±0.049, 4.89±0.041, 4.94±0.050, 4.29±0.033, 4.31±0.32 cm and 5.57±0.035, respectively. As a result, it has been determined that there are significant differences between the values reported in the literature for the BD, UD, HA, HH and HFA traits of SIM breed and the averages obtained in this study, and these differences are thought to result from the SIM genotype originating from Germany and Austria with increased milk yield and the operating conditions.

Author Biography

Atakan Koç, Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science, 09100, Aydın, Türkiye

Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science, Prof.Dr. 


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How to Cite

Uzun, N., & Koç, A. (2024). Evaluation of Linear Type Traits of Simmental (Fleckvieh) Cattle in a Private Farm in Karacabey District of Bursa Province . Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(s4), 2797–2805. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v12is4.2797-2805.7235