Effect of Manure Addition After Reclamation of Saline-Sodic Soils on Soil Properties and Barley Yield





Saline-sodic soil, Farm manure, Hydraulic conductivity, Porosity, Sodium exchange capacity


This study was conducted to determine the effect of farm manure applied after reclamation to saline-sodic soils on some important soil properties of the soil and barley yield. In the analyzes made after the plant harvest, it was determined a decrease in the pH, CaCO3, exchangeable Ca, and Na, CEC, ESP, bulk and particle densities of the soils farm manure applied and barley grown. There was an increase in organic matter, porosity (%), aggregate stability, hydraulic conductivity, field capacity, wilting point and available water content values were detected. It has been determined that manure addition to soils cause a decrease in pH values, a significant increase in the amount of organic matter and a slight increase in EC values. ESP values in the soil also decreased significantly by the increase in the amount of manure applied. It was seen that high doses of manure application, in both types of manure, cause a decrease in the cation exchange capacity, while an increase in hydraulic conductivity, porosity, aggregate stability and water holding capacity. It was determined that an improvement of barley plant grown in soils farm manure applied at high doses after soil reclamation, the plant height, number of grains and weight per spike, spike number per m2 and the rate of crude protein.


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How to Cite

Diler, S. (2025). Effect of Manure Addition After Reclamation of Saline-Sodic Soils on Soil Properties and Barley Yield. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 13(2), 413–422. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v13i2.413-422.7257



Research Paper