Morphological Characterization and Multivariate Analysis of Rain Fed Rice (Oryza sativa L) Genotypes in Northwest Ethiopia




Cluster, polymorphic, principal component, Shannon Weaver diversity index


Over the years, more than 3336 rice genotypes were introduced into Ethiopia from different countries and evaluated for diseases reaction and agronomic traits. However, morphological characteristics and relationships were not well investigated among genotypes. Hence, the objective of this study was to characterize 100 rice genotypes morphologically for better identification and to classify genotypes relationships. The experiment was done using triple lattice design with 10×10 in 2021/22 main cropping season. Twenty-five qualitative morphological traits were used to characterize and 13 quantitative traits were used to categorize relationships of the studied rice genotypes. The Shannon Weaver diversity index of qualitative traits were varied from 0 to 1. Moreover, based on quantitative traits the studied rain fed rice genotypes were grouped into four distinct clusters and four principal components with Eigen value >1 were contributed 78.99% of the total variation. We recommend crossing cluster I with IV genotypes to get early-maturing besides moderate grain yield variety for short rainfall season areas. And cross cluster III with IV genotypes to get medium matured, high filled spikelet per panicle, augmented harvest index, biomass and grain yield variety for long rainfall season areas.

Author Biography

Assaye, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Fogera National Rice Research and Training Center, Rice breeding, P.O Box: 1937, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Assaye Berie Mekonnen: He graduated his B.Sc. in plant science in 2014 and MSc in plant breeding in 2022 both at Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. He was working as junior instructor from December 2, 2014 to September 22, 2016 in plant science at ministry of agriculture, Gewane ATVET College, Ethiopia. Now, he is researcher I in rice breeding in Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Fogera National Rice Research and Training Center, Woreta, Ethiopia since 2016.


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How to Cite

Mekonnen, A. B., & Abebe, T. D. (2025). Morphological Characterization and Multivariate Analysis of Rain Fed Rice (Oryza sativa L) Genotypes in Northwest Ethiopia. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 13(2), 423–438.



Research Paper