Review of Research on School Gardening
School Gardening, Education, Child Development , Early Childhood Education, Document ReviewAbstract
This study aims to determine the development process of studies conducted on school gardening, which are considered innovative practices, and to discuss them in the context of early childhood education and child development. The study is descriptive and has a scanning model type. A total of 89 academic publications in the form of articles or reports published in English on school gardening, which were scanned with the keyword “school gardening” in all indexes in the Web of Science database, were included in the study. The publications were analyzed and shown with graphics by dividing them into many variables such as the number of publications by year, the distribution of authors, countries and journals in which the articles were published, and the frequency of keywords. As a result of the research; it was determined that although there were occasional decreases in the number of scientific publications, there was a regular increase, the most publications were made in the journal Horttechnology, the highest h index was written by the author J. E. Cade, the most researched institutions were universities in the USA, the most preferred micro topic in the Web of Science database was obesity, the most preferred research area was education research, and the most preferred sustainable development goals were health and quality of life. In line with the results obtained from the research; it is recommended that school gardening be reserved for agricultural practices, agricultural practices that can be carried out in schools be integrated into the education curriculum at all levels, training on school gardening be provided to all stakeholders, both internal and external, regarding education, planning and implementation of research and interdisciplinary projects on school gardening, establishing correct collaborations with different countries in the research to be carried out, and organizing academic activities such as congresses and workshops with international collaborations to disseminate school gardening.
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