Effect of Heat Treatment, Water and Vinegar Soaking on Protein and Phytic Acid Levels in Hemp Seed Meal





feed, antinutritional factor, vinegar, pH, water


Hemp plants are notable for their climate resilience, and hempseed meal (HSM) is a potential high-protein feed for poultry. However, HSM has high levels of the antinutritional factor phytic acid (PA). This study aimed to evaluate the effects of heat and soaking treatments on the protein and PA content of HSM. HSM was obtained through cold pressing of whole hempseed and then subjected to heat treatment at 70°C for 24 hours. Soaking treatments involved water, water-vinegar mix, and vinegar for 1, 7, and 24 hours, followed by drying and analysis of PA and protein content. Results indicated that heating increased PA content without affecting protein levels. Soaking duration did not significantly alter protein content but did affect PA levels, with 24-hour soaking significantly increasing PA compared to 1-hour and 7-hour durations. The soaking material also influenced PA content: water soaking increased PA, while a 1-hour vinegar-water mix and 7-hour vinegar soaking significantly reduced PA. The highest PA concentration occurred with 24-hour water soaking. The protein content was highest with 7-hour vinegar soaking. In conclusion, acidic soaking solutions, particularly vinegar and vinegar-water mix, effectively reduced PA in HSM without protein loss.


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How to Cite

Kanbur, G. (2024). Effect of Heat Treatment, Water and Vinegar Soaking on Protein and Phytic Acid Levels in Hemp Seed Meal. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(8), 1442–1447. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v12i8.1442-1447.6933



Research Paper