Comparison of Nonlinear Functions to Define the Growth in Intensive Feedlot System with XGBoost Algorithm



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Brown Swiss- Simmental- büyüme eğrisi- XGBoost


The aim of this study was to define the growth by using nonlinear functions in intensive feedlot system with XGBoost algorithm. To achieve this aim, five nonlinear functions were implemented. To implementation of the study, Brown Swiss (n=41) and Simental (n=95) breed were used. Each nonlinear functions were examined for each breed. According to the results of the nonlinear functions, logistic model was the best prediction model for defining the growth of each breed. In this study, the parameters in the best prediction model were calculated individually and the relationship of these parameters with body weight was evaluated with the XGBoost algorithm. Model comparison criteria such as standard deviation ratio (SDratio), Pearson’s correlation coefficient (PC), determination of coefficient (R2) and Akaike’s information criteria (AIC) were used to evaluate the XGBoost algorithm. In conclusion, the XGBoost algorithm can be an effective and optional approach that allows breeders to estimate live weight from growth parameters. This algorithm can operate on large data sets with high accuracy and speed, leading to significant improvements in agricultural productivity and animal health management. XGBoost enables more accurate predictions by analyzing the effects of various characteristics (e.g., nutritional level, breed, age). Therefore, this method can be used to determine critical parameters such as body weight in animal breeding practices, serving as a powerful support tool for operational decisions.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Çanga Boğa, D., Boğa, M., & Tırınk, C. (2024). Comparison of Nonlinear Functions to Define the Growth in Intensive Feedlot System with XGBoost Algorithm. Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 12(8), 1408–1416.



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