Contribution of Some Agro-Food Processing By-products to Chicken Sausages



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Dietary fiber- Food waste- Meat products- Sausage- TBARS


In this study, some agro-food processing by-products were evaluated as novel food ingredients, that meet the consumer's demand for natural ingredients, and their contributions to chicken-type sausage production were examined. Sausages were formulated with 3% quince waste (QS3), 3% grapefruit waste (GS3), 2% tomato waste (TS2), and 3% tomato waste (TS3). Other ingredients were fresh breast chicken meat, beef tallow, spice mix, ice, NaCl, and NaNO2. Proximate composition and sensory analyses were conducted before the storage. Water activity, pH, TBARS, purge accumulation, and microbiological analyses were performed during the storage. QS3, TS2, and TS3 treatments got appreciated (7.0-7.4 out of 10) sensory scores, while GS3 scored low acceptability (4.0 out of 10) points. Adding food waste significantly reduced purge accumulation; the average purge accumulation of the control sample was 3.70% which is approximately two times higher than food waste added samples. The average TBARS value of the control sample was determined as 0.31 mg MA/kg, and the food waste-added samples were found between 0.57-0.65 mg MA/kg during storage. Total mesophilic aerobic bacteria and yeast-mold load were higher in TS2 and TS3 products; microbial load and TBARS values of food waste affected the product quality. Also, water activity, microbial growth, and purge accumulation amount affected each other during storage.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Akşit, Z., & Gençcelep, H. (2024). Contribution of Some Agro-Food Processing By-products to Chicken Sausages. Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 12(8), 1327–1338.



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