Improving Bitter Gourd Growth and Yield in Different Soil Environments by Combining Biochar and Inorganic Fertilizer



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Nutrient Management- Bitter gourd- Environment


A study using the assigned Complete Block Design with three replications was carried out at Hobigong, Bangladesh from January to August 2021 to investigate the impact of different combinations of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and production of bitter gourd. The experiment employed five different combinations of organic and inorganic fertilizers, which are listed below: T1: 4 kg of organic fertilizer per plant, T2: 4 kg of organic fertilizer + 2 liters of cow urine + 2 liters of bc (biochar), T3: 2 liters of liquid bc (biochar)) + NPK (44 g urea + 43 g TSP (Triple Super Phosphate) + 77 g MoP (Muriate of Potash), T4: NPK (44 g urea + 43 g TSP + 77 g MoP), and T5: 4 kg of organic fertilizer + 2 liters of bc+ NPK (44 g urea + 43 g TSP + 77 g MoP) on three distinct soils in the villages of Kalonjhora, Madhabpur, and Jointure. The growth and yield of bitter gourd at different study locations were significantly affected by the application of both organic and inorganic fertilizers, according to the results. The results showed that the use of both organic and inorganic fertilizers had a significant effect on the development and yield of bitter gourd at the different study sites. Maximum germination rate (90%), at 45 DAS (days after sowing), longest plant (173.28 cm) at 100 DAS, maximum number, longest and heaviest fruit (6.30 number of fruits per plant, 15.51 cm and 82.50 g, respectively) were obtained from crops grown in Jointer village that were applied with 4 kg organic fertilizer + 2 liters bc + NPK (44 g urea + 43 g TSP + 77 g MOP). According to the previously described research, most development and yield characteristics of bitter gourd are improved when grown in a mixture treated with 4 kg organic fertilizer + 2 liters bc + NPK (44 g urea) + 43 g of TSP + 77 g of MoP.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

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