Mineral Composition of Feed and Mineral Soil Utilization in Haramaya District, East Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia





Forage, Mineral soil, Mineral concentration, Ruminant, Seasonal variation


This study was carried out to assess feed resources mineral composition and utilization of mineral soil in the Haramaya district of the East Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia. The survey data was collected from four kebeles using a semi-structured questionnaire from 80 respondents (20 from each kebele) selected randomly. Two natural pasture samples across the wet and dry seasons were collected using a quadrant from each season. Two maize and sorghum stover samples were collected for analysis at the end of harvesting seasons. Two mineral soil samples were collected from Lake Adelle and Small Abaya. Table salt (50%), mineral water (30%), and mineral soil (20%) were used as mineral supplements for livestock. Farmers obtain mineral soil from the licking area of the mineral soil and feed animals by hiking them in the licking area and taking the mineral soil into the home. Maize stover was deficient in Ca, P, Na, Zn, and Cu, while sorghum stover was deficient in P, Na, Mg, and Cu. During the wet season, natural pasture consists of higher (p<0.05) P, K, Cu, Zn, and Mn while Ca and Fe were higher (p<0.05) in the dry season. During wet and dry seasons, the Ca, P, Na, Mg, and K content were 14.53 vs 20.47, 1.51 vs 0.82, 0.38 vs 0.45, 4.01 vs 3.84, and 16.50 vs 6.40 g/kg, respectively. The Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn contents were 365.14 vs 415.22, 477.78 vs 336.11, 8.48 vs 7.38 and 42.74 vs 16.94 mg/kg in wet and dry seasons, respectively. The mineral soil of both lakes was deficient in P and K, but high in Na and Fe. Supplementation of animals with deficient minerals in their feed is necessary in the study area and the mineral soil can be used as a mineral supplement for ruminants. However, an extension service is essential to improve mineral soil utilization in the study area.


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How to Cite

Salo, S., Urge , M., & Kurtu, M. Y. (2024). Mineral Composition of Feed and Mineral Soil Utilization in Haramaya District, East Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(12), 2537–2545. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v12i12.2537-2545.7000



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