Characterization of Türkiye Oriental Tobacco Germplasm Using UPOV Test Guidelines
Morphological, Nicotiana tabacum L., Phenological, Sun-cured, GenotypeAbstract
Ecotypes, local varieties and populations with high genetic diversity are used in tobacco production in Türkiye. This study was conducted to determine the genetic diversity in oriental tobacco genotypes used production areas in Turkey. In tobacco production areas, 340 tobacco genotypes selected for their morphological differences were isolated and thus inbred to prevent cross-pollination. Genetically different 259 genotypes were included in field trials. Morphological and phenological characteristics of regional tobaccos, which were considered in three groups as İzmir type, Basma type and Samsun type, were evaluated according to the UPOV guide. In terms of common characteristics, the height of main stem is medium-long, the number of leaf is medium-high, the plant shape is elliptical, the main stem color is light green, the ability to sucker is absent or very weak, the leaf type is attached. The length and width of the leaf are medium, the veiled width of the leaf is narrow-medium, the shape of the leaf is broadly elliptical and the shape of the leaf end is very little-medium pointed. The blistering and undulation of the leaf are weak-weak. Flowering is late-very late, the color of the petals is light pink, the shape of the spherical flower clusters and medium frequency is common. It was determined that the variations in the examined tobacco genotypes were high in the characters examined. It was determined that the plant height and leaf size of Izmir type tobaccos were smaller than other types. It was determined that the plant height and leaf size of Izmir type tobaccos were smaller than other types. It was also determined that Izmir type tobaccos had a large number of leaves, a late maturity, flat leaves and rounded leave tip angles. An important database was created for the future breeding studies planned with the lines that attract attention with their different characteristics
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