Determination of Agronomic Performances of Superior Basma Type Tobacco Lines




Genotype, Nicotiana tabacum L., Nicotine rate, Leaf quality grade, Leaf yield


The basma type tobaccos are used in cigarette blends. This research was carried out in Tokat-Kazova conditions for two years (2021 and 2022) to determine the performance of some superior basma type tobacco lines obtained from the Turkish Seed Gene Bank (TSGB). In this study, 10 basma tobacco lines (TGB46668, TGB46673, TGB46674, TGB46675, TGB46721, TGB46722, TGB46723, TGB46724, TGB46730 and TGB46743) and two standard tobacco varieties (Erbasma and Xanthi-81) were used. In this study; plant height, number of leaves, leaf width, leaf length, dry leaf yield, nicotine content, reducing sugar content and quality grade index parameters were determined. All parameters were found to be statistically significant (p<0.01). In addition, the lines exhibited higher performance than the standard varieties in terms of many parameters, especially dry leaf yield. Genotypes TGB46668, TGB46722, TGB46721 and TGB46730 (respectively 223.85, 219.79, 213.01, 211.7 kg/da) were superior in terms of dry leaf yield. According to quality grade index, TGB46743, TGB46675 and TGB46721 (respectively 55.47%, 54.96% and 53.59%) lines are superior. It is thought that the TGB46721 line can find a place for itself in the basma production areas in terms of yield and quality grade. In addition, these lines can be used as parents in breeding programs to develop new varieties.


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How to Cite

Karakoç, E., Kınay, A., & Cingöz, H. D. (2024). Determination of Agronomic Performances of Superior Basma Type Tobacco Lines. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(s3), 2694–2698.