Standardisation in Gocmen Cheese Production, Evaluation of Microbiological Quality and Sensory Properties




Standard recipe, Local cuisine, Gocmen cheese, microbiological quality, sensory properties


The aim of this study is to define standard recipes in the production of Gocmen cheese produced in the central districts of Izmir province. The aim of this study was to define standard recipes for the production of Gocmen cheese produced in the central districts of İzmir province. For this purpose, microbiological and sensory properties of the products were evaluated and it was aimed to define the most suitable standard recipe that appeals to the consumer profile and will be adapted to industrial production. In the research, sensory analysis and microbiological analyses were carried out as well as standard recipe study for 4 different products produced by evaluating the recipes collected from Balkan immigrant individuals. Taste, odour, consistency and general appreciation characteristics of the products produced as curd, yoghurt, curd-yoghurt and curd-milk were evaluated with hedonic scale (1-9). For the curd, yoghurt, curd-yoghurt and curd-milk samples, the average of general appreciation were 7.63, 4.32, 6.63 and 7.84, respectively. Similarly, the Lactobacillus counts are 8.18; 6.11; 6.41 and 7.34 cfu/g, the Lactococci counts are 7,44; 7,51; 7,35 and 7,36 cfu/g and the yeast counts were 4.41; 5.61; 4.71 and 2.85 cfu/g respectively, E. coli counts of curd, yogurt, curd-yoghurt and curd-milk were determined as 4.06, 0.00, 3.78 and 3.58 cfu/g, respectively. S. aureus counts in traditional products produced with curd, yoghurt, curd-yoghurt and curd-milk were detected 2.06, ˂10, 3.78 and 2.58 cfu/g, respectively. E. coli was reported as ˂10 cfu/g in all samples searched.  Gocmen cheese, which is important as a fermented milk product among traditional products, is a cultural heritage transported from the Balkan lands to Anatolia. It is important that standard recipe studies focus on local tastes in order to protect the food culture that reflects the societies, to transfer it to future generations, and to revive gastronomy tourism.


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How to Cite

Saygılı, D., & Özden, O. (2024). Standardisation in Gocmen Cheese Production, Evaluation of Microbiological Quality and Sensory Properties. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(s4), 2907–2912.