Effects of EC, Mycorrhiza and Vermicompost Applications on Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Seedling Development
Ec, Mycorrhiza, Seedling, Tomato, VermicompostAbstract
The tomato is one of the most significant vegetable species cultivated globally. In both field and greenhouse tomato cultivation, seedlings are typically employed as the initial planting material, rather than seeds. This study aimed to examine the impact of varying doses of mycorrhiza, vermicompost, and fertiliser on the growth of tomato seedlings. The Cuma F1 tomato variety was utilised in the investigation. The study was conducted in accordance with the coincidence plots experimental design, with three replications. In the study, different doses of vermicompost (0, 10 and 20 %) with EC 0.5-1.00 with and without mycorrhizae were applied to 70% peat and 30% perlite media for tomato seedling cultivation. The seedlings were uprooted in one and a half month. In this study, the following morphological (seedling height, hypocotyl length, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf wet weight, leaf dry weight, root wet weight and root dry weight) characteristics of tomato plants were investigated. As a result of the study, the presence of vermicompost and mycorrhiza treatments in the medium caused significant differences in many parameters. It was observed that seedling quality improved at full fertiliser doses (EC1) and that the addition of vermicompost to the medium had a positive effect on seedling development at low fertiliser doses (EC 0.5).
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