Investigation of the Effects of Agricultural Waste and Nitrogen Doses on Corn Plant
Corn, Liquid Animal Waste, Plant Waste, Fertilizer, YieldAbstract
The increasing cultivation of corn has led to a growing demand for plant nutrients. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of applying plant residues and liquid animal manure as fertilizers on corn plant growth. Therefore, it was aimed to investigate the effects of using plant residues and liquid animal waste as fertilizer on corn plants. In the research, the characteristics of corn plant such as tassel emergence time, plant height, first node diameter, stem thickness in the plant, number of leaves in the plant, total leaves area above with cob leaf, cob length, thousand grain weight, and grain yield were investigated. It was recorded that the examined characteristics that plant height, upper cob leaf area, cob length, thousand grain weight, grain yield values of the corn plant showed statistically significant differences in terms of agricultural plant waste, fertilizer applications, and agricultural plant waste x fertilizer application interaction. It was determined that the diameter of the first internode according to the agricultural plant residues, while the days to tassel emergence, stem thickness, and leaf number were not affected by the applied factors. According to the research results, it was determined that chickpea straw, which gave the highest results in terms of many features, can be used in corn cultivation as agricultural plant waste in terms of organic agriculture. When the effects of liquid animal waste and urea fertilizer on corn cultivation were examined, it was recorded that the 40 kg da-1 dose of nitrogen fertilizer gave higher values than the liquid animal waste doses.
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