Effect of Different Nitrogen Doses on Yield and Yield Characteristics of Flax Crop





Nitrogen, Linum usitatissimum L., Fertilizer, Oil content, Flax plant


Flax plant is an important industrial plant that stands out with its ability to grow in almost every region of our country, the diversity of its usage areas, and the use of both its fiber and oil. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different nitrogen doses on the yield and yield characteristics of flax plant. The research was carried out under dry conditions in Tokat-Kazova conditions during the vegetation period of 2020 and 2021. The study was conducted according to the Randomized Block Trial Design with three replications. Oil flax variety (Atalanta) and plant density of 750 seeds/m2 were used in the study. The study included 5 different nitrogen (N) doses (control (0), 7, 10, 13, 16 kg/da). In the study; Plant height, number of branches per plant, number of capsules in the plant, number of seeds in the capsule, thousand seed weight, seed yield, oil content and oil yield parameters were examined. According to the average of the years, plant height 49.88-52.11 cm, the number of branches 2.6-3.2 pieces/plant, the number of capsules in the plant 23.55-34.00 pieces/plant, the number of seeds in the capsule 5.25-5.66 pieces/capsule, thousand seed weight 5.17-5.29 g, seed yield 54.68-90.30 kg/da, oil ratio 33.01-35.55% and oil yield 17.98-31.84 kg/da. As a result of the study investigating the effect of nitrogen doses on flax under dry conditions in Tokat-Kazova, nitrogen doses of 10-13 kg/da came to the fore in terms of seed and oil yield per decare. Considering fertilizer savings, it is thought that it would be more appropriate to use a nitrogen dose of 10 kg/da.


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How to Cite

Dökülen, Şaziye. (2024). Effect of Different Nitrogen Doses on Yield and Yield Characteristics of Flax Crop. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(s3), 2718–2725. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v12is3.2718-2725.7278