Investigation of Cow Milk Quality Characteristics and Udder Health in the Districts of Banaz (Uşak) and Altıntaş (Kütahya)




Milk Technology, Milk Quality, Dairy Cattle Breeding, Mastitis, Food Codex


Milk is an essential part of daily nutrition, and high-quality, safe production is crucial for healthy milk consumption. For a quality and safe production, the health and genotypic characteristics of animals directly affect production.  In milk production, health and genotypic characteristics of animals directly affect production. A quality production is possible under the right animal feeding programme and hygienic conditions. However, in order to implement a correct feeding programme, it is necessary to know how the health status of cows and feeding affect milk content. This study aims to determine udder health and milk composition of animals in the Altıntaş district of Kütahya and the Banaz district of Uşak. Milk samples were collected from 77 cows in 3 villages in Altıntaş and from 49 cows in 2 villages in Banaz. The milk composition was compared based on fat (%), dry matter (%), density (%), protein (%), lactose (%), salt (%), freezing point (°C), and conductivity (ms/cm), and mastitis prevalence was assessed with the Californian Mastitis Test (CMT). Findings showed that most farms had no cases of mastitis, while cows with signs of mastitis were generally from the same farm. It was determined that among the districts, the cows in Altıntaş had lower fat content (3.51 %), but higher dry matter (9.26 %) and protein content (3.33 %). In Banaz, the lactose levels (4.78 %) in milk were lower, density (28.08 %) was lower, and conductivity (4.95 ms/cm) was higher. Among the villages, the highest milk quality values were found in the cows raised in Çayırbaşı village. It was observed that this was a result of the high level of awareness of the producers, contracted production and attention to hygiene conditions.

Author Biography

Serhan Karakaş, Uşak Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Zootekni Bölümü, Uşak, Türkiye

Uşak University, Graduate School of Education, Department of Animal Science, PhD Program.


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How to Cite

Karakaş, S., & Alapala, S. (2024). Investigation of Cow Milk Quality Characteristics and Udder Health in the Districts of Banaz (Uşak) and Altıntaş (Kütahya). Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(s4), 2888–2894.