Gülez Method in Determining Landscape and Recreational Potential: The Case of Gölbaşı Lakes Nature Park (Adıyaman)





Adıyaman, Gölbaşı Lakes Nature Park, Gülez Method, Recreational Potential, Landscape


With the increase in population, rapid and unplanned urbanisation, all other natural areas, especially green areas in the city, have lost their quality or decreased due to construction. For people living in the city, the decrease in these areas and the disappearance of their quality has caused recreational needs to be unmet. This situation has made it possible for nature parks, recreation areas and forest areas in or near the city to become more valuable. The aim of this study is to determine the recreational potential of Gölbaşı Lakes Nature Park within the borders of Gölbaşı district of Adıyaman province according to Gülez method. For this purpose, Gülez method, which is preferred in determining the landscape condition in the forest and determining the recreational potential, was used. n Gülez method, recreational potential is calculated by scoring the landscape value, climate value, accessibility, recreational convenience and negative factors of the recreational area. According to this calculation, the recreational potential of Gölbaşı Lakes Nature Park was evaluated in the ‘high’ category with a total score of ‘67’. As a result of the field studies carried out in Gölbaşı Lakes Nature Park, it was determined that some of the elements specified in the method are deficient in quality and the negative factor elements are quite high. The recreational activity potential of Gölbaşı Lakes Nature Park is higher than the determined one. It is predicted that the recreational activity potential of the area can be increased by ‘19’ points by reducing the negative factors in the area, thus the total score of Gölbaşı Lakes Nature Park can reach ‘86’ and its potential can reach the ‘very high’ class.


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How to Cite

Vural, E. (2025). Gülez Method in Determining Landscape and Recreational Potential: The Case of Gölbaşı Lakes Nature Park (Adıyaman). Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 13(2), 487–496. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v13i2.497-503.7411



Research Paper